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Tag: Complete in Christ

Racism and Dating

Let’s talk about it. Interracial dating or dating your native race can be a big deal. Regardless of skin color, interracial dating a person of a different nationality or ethnicity may lead to a point of contention. Cultural experiences shape us into who we become whether we admit it or not. Events experienced at a young age, from the toys we play with to the friends we have, from family interactions to relationships outside our front

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Can I Ask God for a Spouse?

This question is one we get from time-to-time at Table for One Ministries. Usually backed up  by Matthew 7:7.  Ask, seek, and knock, and it will be given to you. So, is it okay to make a prayer for a spouse? One summer’s day the sun was beating down on the Texas earth and a single adult was out playing ultimate frisbee with some friends. Hot as it was, it was nice to be outside

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Am I Still Single Because I’m Fat?

Over 34% of Americans are overweight according to a recent Gallup Poll. Singles who are overweight might ask themselves these questions often: Am I still single because I am overweight? In a men’s Bible study a group of single guys sit together and share about struggles in their life. The conversation may start with small issues, like trying to pray more and do better with finances. Then a bombshell drops. The quiet guy in the

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Leaders to Singles
3 Reasons Your Singles Ministry is Failing

Years ago, the prevalence of singles ministries was widespread, but now many are facing singles ministry failure. Every church had one, and it was seemingly exciting and attractive to the community. Then something happened–they all started to disappear. First there were no new people entering singles groups. Many married from within the group and simply by attrition the ministry dwindled in numbers as it failed to reach new singles. Secondly, others fell into the trap

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WANTED: Tall, blond, skinny, blue eyes, from the south with a college degree…

Singles, in Christian dating, we all have “types” when it comes to dating. From even a young age, everyone has an ideal person they think they should date. At a young age, the toy market pushes the “ideal” image of the opposite gender to children. By the time we reach a dating age, we gravitate towards someone without even realizing we have developed a vision of the person we want to date. But where is

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A Biblical View of Masturbation

Recently on Table for One Ministries was asked, “Is their a Biblical view on masturbation? Is it ever, okay?” Well, that’s a question that could have a volume of responses. So we are going to do our best to respond to the main theme of this question: Does the Bible have a stance about masturbation? No. The Bible does not reference masturbation. Matthew 5:28 does talk about lusting in ones heart and often masterbation

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Being Single is the Best: No Worries

Okay, maybe not. I admit singles have worries just as much as married couples. But being single is pretty awesome when it comes to having less stress. Not everyone will agree and depending on your personality, this may not be the case. For example, I’m sure single parents do not have less stress! But, from the perspective of being a single adult, I’m happy with my life. I think being single is great! Sure we

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I Did Not Plan to be 50 and Still Single

We had a single adult write us the other day and tell us our blogs and overtones seem to be written towards those who are choosing to be single. This person is in their 50’s and bluntly said, they did NOT choose to be single this late in life, it just happened. The years flew by with lots of adventures and time with family, and before they knew it it had been 50 years and

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Singles on TV

Singles on TV. While singles are not the norm on TV, there has been a trend over the last 20 years to include more singles in TV shows. Cartoons, sitcoms, dramas, even Lifetime movies, all have singles in them. But it wasn’t always this way. TV shows 20 plus years ago thrived on the married couple with kids and if singles where in the spotlight they were dating, but eventually, married. So what changed? In

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S.A.D. Day

Singles Awareness Day Sure, some of you may call it Valentine’s Day. But in the singles ministry world, there is never a time of the year that makes your singleness more glaring than February 14th. The retail world loves to pump up its importance, and there always seems to be a sappy love movie that comes out every year near this date that helps make things worse. Some of your singles may be looking and

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