LGBTQ+ Singles
Among LGBTQ+ adults who say they are religious, more than 3 in 4 (77%) identify as a Christian, including 28% who are Protestants.
- Singles Stats -
See Singles in Your Community
Same-Sex Households
There are 710,00 same-sex married couple households and 500,000 households with same-sex unmarried partners living together. In addition, 191,000 children live with same-sex parents.
2021 US Census
Pie Chart
8-11% LGBT
Brief estimates of the size of the LGBT population in the U.S. based on data collected through 11 surveys conducted in the U.S. estimate 25.6 million adults over 18 are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, between 8 and 11% of the total population.Â
Williams Institute 2011
LGBTQ+ Singles
After climbing steadily for almost a decade, the percentage of Americans who identify as LGBTQ remained steady at 7.6% in 2024
Gallop Survey 2024
1 in 5 Gen Z are LGBTQ+
Generation Z members, born between 1997 and 2004, identified in that way (19.7%), with the overwhelming majority claiming to be bisexual (13.1%).
Gallop Survey 2024
1 in 10 Millennials are LGBTQ+
More than 1 in 10 millennials (11.2%) say they are LGBTQ+. Among older generations, the percentages are much smaller—3.3% of Generation X, 2.7% of baby boomers, and 1.7% of the silent generation.
Gallop Survey 2022​
77 % Christian LGBTQ+
Among LGBTQ+ adults who say they are religious, more than 3 in 4 (77%) identify as a Christian, including 28% who are Protestants.
Williams Institute 2020
Nearly 1 in 5 who identify as transgender are ages 13-17.
Williams Institute 2022
1% of Americans are transgender
Nearly 1% of the nation’s adult population, about 2.3 million Americans, identify as transgender. 3% of U.S. high school students identified as transgender in 2023, with another 2% identified as questioning.
CDC 2024
- Be Single Friendly -
Resources to Reach Singles
At Table for One Ministries we are comprised of seminary professors, ministers, doctoral students, and lay leaders passionate about reaching singles. We also have done ministry for decades and know that even the most seasoned of leaders can use a helping hand sometimes. Our Ministry wants to help you get the tools you need to reach singles in your area.
Not all singles are the same.
Adults in America
Your community is more single than married.