Single Focused Conference
Make disciples, not events in 2025
- Know Your Community -
Be Single Friendly
It’s not about a Singles Ministry; it’s about your entire church being Single-Focused. Table for One Ministries exists to build a community for Single Adults through discipleship since 2013! We offer singles ministry resources such as blogs, conferences, Bible studies, and coaching for all singles, all ages, and all backgrounds to equip the local church to make disciples who make disciples.Â
More Adults Live Alone
Number of people who lived alone in 2021. They comprised 28 percent of all households, up from 17 percent in 1970.
America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2021
Adults 18+ Single
Unmarried people in America 18 and older in 2021. This group comprised 53 percent of all U.S. residents 18 and older.
America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2021
- Marriage Isn't the Finish Line -
Be Focused. Reach Singles.
We are seeking church partnerships nationwide in 2025 to host Christian singles conferences. These single adult conferences or singles retreats are discussions for single adults of all ages and backgrounds.
From these catalytic event gatherings, we encourage small group communities to be formed. Some will use our 6-week single adult curriculum, Embrace the Table. We see 25%-40% of singles conference attendees join a small group after our events for the first time using our Embrace the Table 6 session study.
Gatherings Focused on Life Change.
- Pre & Post Event Meetings
- Customized Gathering to Your Context
- Volunteer and Staff Training
- Mobilize Singles to Be Disciple-Makers
Not all singles are the same.
Singles in Church
Less than a quarter of your church is single, but your community is over 40% single.
- Our Founder -
Dr. PJ Dunn
Dr. PJ Dunn is passionate about reaching and equipping single adults through discipleship. As an advocate for singles, he travels nationally, speaking, coaching, and creating content for singles and the local church. Table for One Ministries was created in 2013 to build community for single adults through discipleship. With over 15 years of local church service, PJ now serves as a Discipleship Consultant in North Georgia with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, helping churches make disciples and reach their community. He is an adjunct professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and author with Lifeway Christian Resources.