Am I Married Yet?
The ring is on the finger! Once singles enter into a serious dating relationship, it’s easy to want to rush an engagement along. However, you should not base a lifelong commitment on a short-term relationship. Don’t feel the need to get engaged and rush things along. Enjoy your time together and continue to build your relationship together Complete in Christ.
- Singles Stats -
See Singles in Your Community
14 Month Engagement
The average length of an engagement in America is 12-18 months. 2/3 of women want their man to ask their father for permission to marry them and 69% of couples have known each other for 3 or more years.
Wedding Industry Stats
Most Singles Cohabitated at Least Once
While the share who are currently cohabiting remains far smaller than the share who are married, the share of adults ages 18 to 44 who have ever lived with an unmarried partner (59%) has surpassed the share who has ever been married (50%) 2021
$ 29k Wedding Cost
The average cost of a wedding in 2023 is expected to be $29,000, up from $28,000 in 2022, according to wedding planning platform Zola.
Zola 2023
Less than Half Unpartnered
Roughly four-in-ten adults ages 25 to 54 (38%) were unpartnered – neither married nor living with a partner, and 9% are cohabitating. 2021
1/4 Weddings are Destination Weddings
A quarter of all US weddings are destination weddings.
Truly Experiences 2022
Most Singles are Not Financially Stable to Marry
59% of never-married adults say they haven’t found the right person, while 41% say they aren’t financially stable. 2017
- For Singles -
Latest Blogs

Not an Option: Overcoming Temptation

The Christian Perspective on Public Displays of Affection (PDA)

Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged: A Christian Perspective

How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage: Embracing Completeness in Christ

Question Engagement: Importance of Asking Before Getting Engaged

Sunday Single Selection

Is Sexting OK in My Relationship

Marriage isn’t the Finish Line

I Fell in Love with an Atheist
- Be Single Friendly -
Resources to Reach Singles
At Table for One Ministries we are comprised of seminary professors, ministers, doctoral students, and lay leaders passionate about reaching singles. We also have done ministry for decades and know that even the most seasoned of leaders can use a helping hand sometimes. Our Ministry wants to help you get the tools you need to reach singles in your area.
Not all singles are the same.
Adults in America
Your community is more single than married.