You don’t have to have all the answers today. You don’t have to rush the healing process. But you can take one step at a time, knowing that God is...
Be Complete In Christ
To be Complete in Christ means to have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, and to find your identity and purpose in him. As a single adult you recognize that you are loved and accepted by God, not based on your own merits, but through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Being complete in Christ also involves growing in spiritual maturity, becoming more like Christ in character and behavior, and using your gifts and talents to serve others and share the message of hope and salvation with the world!
Connect Singles in Singles Ministry
We aim to see single adults come to Christ, be complete in Him, and build communities that accept single adults like a singles ministry. While marriage may be in the plan for some singles, the fact is that while you are single, your mission should not be marriage. You need to Be Complete in Christ!
- Be Single Friendly -
Be Focused. Reach Singles.
2022. 53% of adults in America are singles. Single-person households have increased more than fivefold since 1960, from 7 million to 37 million. You don’t need a singles ministry; you need to be single-friendly.
Not all singles are the same.
Singles in Church
Less than a quarter of your church is single, but your community is over 40% single.
Never Married
Same-Sex Attracted
- For Singles -
Latest Blogs
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your...

Embracing Singles in the Church Community
Single adults don’t just want a handshake; they want to be seen, acknowledged, and integrated into the fabric of the church community.

Learning to Trust Again After Divorce: Finding Hope in Christ
You don’t have to have all the answers today. You don’t have to rush the healing process. But you can take one step at a time, knowing that God is holding your heart and leading you toward restoration. He is faithful. He is good. And He is the One who will teach you how to trust again.

Dating and the Church: How Should the Church Treat Singles?
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.

Who Is a Young Adult?
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.

End of the Rope with Addiction? Here’s the Hope You Need
Whether it’s alcohol, pornography, drugs, or other strongholds, the weight of sin can feel overwhelming.

Not an Option: Overcoming Temptation
When is the last time you made overcoming temptation ‘Not an Option’? Truly, 100% said to yourself that under no circumstances will I ever ____. Everyone has things that are

Divorced not Damaged
Divorced NOT Damaged For singles who have been divorced, it can feel like you always have a scarlet “D” on your chest for “Divorced.” The Christian community can often be

Struggling with a Desire for Intimacy as a Christian Single
Being a single man in my 40s, never married, I’ve heard all the questions. “Why are you still single?” “Have you tried online dating?” “Don’t you want a family?” While

The Lie of Porn: Steps to Overcome Pornography Addiction
Pornography addiction is a pervasive issue affecting individuals across various demographics. As a single adult, you might believe that viewing pornography is harmless since you’re not in a relationship. However,

What Young Adults Look for in a Church
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.