Be Complete in Christ
Our goal is to see single adults come to Christ, be complete in Him, and build communities that welcome single adults in ministry. Marriage may be in the plan for some singles, but while you are single, your mission should not be marriage, but to be complete in Christ!
- Be Single Friendly -
Be Focused. Reach Singles.
53% of adults in America are singles. Single-person households have increased more than fivefold since 1960, from 7 million to 37 million. You don’t need a singles ministry; you need to be single friendly.
Not all singles are the same.
Singles in Church
Less than a quarter of your church is single, but your community is over 40% single.
- Founder -
Dr. PJ Dunn
Dr. PJ Dunn is passionate about reaching and equipping single adults through discipleship. As an advocate for singles, he travels nationally, speaking, coaching, and creating content for singles and the local church. Table for One Ministries was created in 2013 to build community for single adults through discipleship. With over 15 years of local church service, including singles ministry, PJ now serves as a Discipleship Consultant in North Georgia with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, helping churches make disciples and reach their community.
- Blog -
Latest Posts

Learning to Trust Again After Divorce: Finding Hope in Christ

Dating and the Church: How Should the Church Treat Singles?

Who Is a Young Adult?

End of the Rope with Addiction? Here’s the Hope You Need

Not an Option: Overcoming Temptation

Divorced not Damaged

Struggling with a Desire for Intimacy as a Christian Single

The Lie of Porn: Steps to Overcome Pornography Addiction