For those unaware, sexting is a form of provocative language between a couple using electronic communication. The question often arises: Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? In a relationship, couples will often find creative ways to convey their love to one another. In years of old, this may have been letter writing or heaven forbid an actual conversation.
In any relationship communication is key, but what type of communication is profitable? Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? For an unmarried couple sexting is crossing a line of respect for the boundaries of the relationship that honors God. If you have to ask ”Would God approve of this?” then you need to reconsider why you are doing it in the first place! At the core of these words you will find lust, and lust is sinful–not playful, and not loving.

Our response to dating singles is that sexting crosses the line, it is lust and it is wrong. Have you ever asked yourself: Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? Even once you are engaged, it should be off-limits; you are not married and need to save something special to share after your big day. EVEN THEN, let us all not forget that the NSA is reading most anything we send and the high profile people caught sexting and the embarrassment it caused. So keep your text above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2) and have a happy, God honoring relationship.