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Category: Dating

Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Why do I feel so lonely
Defeating Loneliness: Unveiling the Struggle for Genuine Connections

Why do I feel so lonely? These words resonate in the hearts of not only singles but all Americans. 58% of all adults are considered lonely, and minorities are at an even higher risk, with 75% of Hispanics and 68% of African American adults responding as lonely.[1] Our feelings of loneliness impact mental health, and we all process that differently. It can depend on our temperament and the cultural environment we were raised in. Still,

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The “Friend Zone”

No one is happy. The ladies say the guys won’t ask them out. The guys say the ladies stay in their social circles and won’t come out. No one is on anyone’s romantic radar. Welcome to the Friend Zone. It’s a place that single adults find themselves at almost every church event. Sure, there are people that blast through the friend zone and find their mate through church, but more and more singles are frustrated

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - 3 Things to Remember for Singles at Friendsgiving - Blog 16x9 blank
3 Things to Remember for Singles at Friendsgiving

For singles, their Friendsgiving may be the only holiday gathering they attend or invite others to. Singles are now 53% of the adult population in America. When we use the term family at the holidays, we often negate single-parent families that comprise over 40% of all families in America. If you want an intentional Friendsgiving this year, here are some things to remember so everyone is invited and welcomed!

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Struggling with a Desire for Intimacy
Singles Struggling with a Desire for Intimacy

As single adults, sometimes we can feel like we’re missing out on a big perk of a romantic relationship or or the intimacy it offers.  No matter your situation, if you are a single adult who desires intimacy, you are not alone in your search for meaningful connections and intimacy. There is hope! We know there is hope through a relationship with God because he tells us so. Isaiah 43:1 mentions, “Do not be afraid,

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It’s Just Me This Christmas

The holidays can be a somber time for older single adults, underscoring the importance of connecting singles during the holidays. It is logical then to see when time marches on, things change, and those who are dear to us pass on. For singles, this can create a situation they never saw coming. In this context, the significance of connecting singles during the holidays becomes increasingly apparent. It is just me this Christmas. Small families have

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Get Out There
Get Out There | Engaging Others for Christ

So you are not the ‘outgoing type’ or would rather curl up with a book on Friday night and not engage the world, but it’s crucial to consider engaging others for Christ in every aspect of life. Or maybe you are the “life of the party” kind of person and hate sitting in silence. Both people are created by God and uniquely wired to have a way to “charge up their batteries.” But when it

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Sunday Single Selection
Sunday Single Selection

It is Saturday night and you know you should go to church tomorrow, yet you have reservations in your heart about where to go or if you should find somewhere new to go for your Sunday single selection. You want to Worship and hear the Word preached, but the church you go to does not seem to get being single or you can not find a church with a singles group. Many singles have this

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Is Sexting OK in My Relationship
Is Sexting OK in My Relationship

For those unaware, sexting is a form of provocative language between a couple using electronic communication. The question often arises: Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? In a relationship, couples will often find creative ways to convey their love to one another. In years of old, this may have been letter writing or heaven forbid an actual conversation. In any relationship communication is key, but what type of communication is profitable? Is Sexting OK in

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Will Marriage Fix My Sexual Desires-
Will Marriage Fix My Sexual Desires?

“But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” – 1 Corinthians 7:9 Marriage is more than a fix for addressing sexual desires within marriage. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul addresses marriage to the married, single, widowed and divorced adults. In light of the above passage, how can any person choose to be single with such a burning sinful desire of passion? Are singles

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