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Tag: Social Life

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - What's the Rush to Marry-
What’s the Rush to Marry?

Being engaged is undervalued these days. When did the idea of making a lifelong commitment based off a short term relationship become the norm? The average engagement in America is 14 months, that is right over one year. Yet, in the Christian community, that is considered a “lifetime” of waiting for the “obvious” to happen. Nearly a third of engagements are ended before the wedding day and the divorce rate scary high  for remarriages. So

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Should I Date a Friend's Ex-
Should I Date a Friend’s Ex?

Yes. What?  Was that answer too quick and easy? Does every blog have to be 1,000 words or more to truly get to the bottom of an issue? Dating a friend’s ex can be complicated if feelings are still involved. It would not be something to rush into, but it is not something to be avoided. Sometimes the couple that breaks up still hang around each other because while they’ve determined they aren’t going to

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Am I Still Single Because I Don’t Do the Bar Scene?

Take a look on TV, any show any network. In most every media outlet you are likely to see a stereotype of how singles meet: the bar. It may be a fancy place, or a hole in the wall, but most media are telling singles if they want to meet other singles they need to be in a bar or a club. At the risk of sounding like we are not “hip,”  we are not

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S.A.D. Day

Singles Awareness Day Sure, some of you may call it Valentine’s Day. But in the singles ministry world, there is never a time of the year that makes your singleness more glaring than February 14th. The retail world loves to pump up its importance, and there always seems to be a sappy love movie that comes out every year near this date that helps make things worse. Some of your singles may be looking and

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Struggles- Alcohol
Single Struggles: Alcohol

As a tee-totaling Southern Baptist, I feel under qualified to be writing an article about the particular struggles singles face regarding drinking alcohol.  I have a bias against the stuff in this country. I don’t like the way it is marketed, and I don’t like the way our culture uses it. Alcohol has become the drug of choice which Americans use to escape life. The lie being sold here is that you need to escape

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Can't Sleep-
Can’t Sleep?

Psalm 4 is an interesting look in the heart of David’s struggles as he sleeps. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 40 million people have sleep disorders. 40 MILLION! 62% of adults experience weekly sleep problems keeping them from resting a full eight hours as recommended. Many people struggle with nightmares, restlessness, and even heart issues all because we lack good sleep. “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord,

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Work-Life Balance as a Single Adult without Children
Work/Life Balance as a Single Adult without Children

It’s 4:45 PM and another workday is coming to a close.  Or at least it appears that the workday is about to end until your boss calls you and Bill into his office. There is an important meeting with a potential customer the next morning and he needs one of you to stay late to help put together the presentation.  Bill is married with a family and quickly explains that he needs to go to

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Singles Struggles- Baby Envy
Singles Struggles: Baby Envy

Maternal instincts for some women are deep and for single women this causes a challenging problem. Some single women have a deep desire to be mothers, some more than others. For those ladies who have this deep desire, but have not found a spouse to share this with, this post is for you. God made you uniquely as you are and this desire is no less important as a single woman than a married woman. He

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Struggles- Shopping Alone
Single Struggles: Shopping Alone

One single adult told us that they struggled with shopping alone. While some purchases may not be as big a deal on your own, certainly there are times when we all need a wingman or wingwoman for support. When you are single, shopping alone will happen, but if you plan your time you will be able to find a person to shop with you. This is where having a strong social network of friends as

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Struggles- Wanting to be accepted for being single
Single Struggles: Wanting to be accepted for being single

I’ve been single for 20 years of my life. Yes, I was born single. Not that I thought about it that much throughout my life. It was just something I assumed. But as I approached 17-18, people began asking that question; “Are you dating someone? But I never was. I am a single man, happy in my lifestyle, and ready to take on the world. It’s not that I dislike marriage. I think it’s a

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