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Tag: Single Struggles

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Can't Take It With You
Can’t Take It With You

Proven fact: if it’s here, it stays here. Have you ever stopped to look around your home at all the things you have? This is not a blog about how “things” are bad or how we should even sell it all and give it to the poor. This post is about the life of a widow. They had been married for years and years and with that length of time came things. Books, electronics, things

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Should I Date a Friend's Ex-
Should I Date a Friend’s Ex?

Yes. What?  Was that answer too quick and easy? Does every blog have to be 1,000 words or more to truly get to the bottom of an issue? Dating a friend’s ex can be complicated if feelings are still involved. It would not be something to rush into, but it is not something to be avoided. Sometimes the couple that breaks up still hang around each other because while they’ve determined they aren’t going to

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Am I Still Single Because I Don’t Do the Bar Scene?

Take a look on TV, any show any network. In most every media outlet you are likely to see a stereotype of how singles meet: the bar. It may be a fancy place, or a hole in the wall, but most media are telling singles if they want to meet other singles they need to be in a bar or a club. At the risk of sounding like we are not “hip,”  we are not

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Single Struggles: Is Online Dating for Christians?

Online dating is a tricky subject. Everyone knows someone who has found the love of their life online, and they are happily married with kids. This creates the idea that online dating is perfect in every way. At the same time, everyone is terrified of the person who lies about everything online in order to get a date. This goes along with the idea that those searching online must be at the “bottom of the

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I Did Not Plan to be 50 and Still Single

We had a single adult write us the other day and tell us our blogs and overtones seem to be written towards those who are choosing to be single. This person is in their 50’s and bluntly said, they did NOT choose to be single this late in life, it just happened. The years flew by with lots of adventures and time with family, and before they knew it it had been 50 years and

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Singles on TV

Singles on TV. While singles are not the norm on TV, there has been a trend over the last 20 years to include more singles in TV shows. Cartoons, sitcoms, dramas, even Lifetime movies, all have singles in them. But it wasn’t always this way. TV shows 20 plus years ago thrived on the married couple with kids and if singles where in the spotlight they were dating, but eventually, married. So what changed? In

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You’re Married…You Wouldn’t Understand

As a married guy with a recent addition of a daughter, I had someone tell me this week that I “do not understand what it’s like to be single.” I have been married for just over two years, and I was single for 28 years. I know way more about being single than being a married dad. But the thing that bothers me most about this phrase is that people assume I don’t understand. Before

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - How Can I Keep From Desiring a Relationship 24-7-
How Can I Keep From Desiring a Relationship 24/7?

A single wrote into us and asked “How can I keep from desiring a relationship 24/7?” This is a great question and a struggle many single adults have. The root of this question is trying to fill a void of loneliness, that makes a person feel like they need someone in their life because they are so lonely.  Loneliness can come into our lives in many different circumstances. It can be from being alone at home,

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Single Struggles: I Don’t Want to Live Without You

After the funeral is over and life has released its hold button, a widow struggles with a new reality that they are now single again. Thoughts and emotions are all capsized in a singular thought “I don’t want to live without you.” It’s not that this widow is suicidal, far from it. It was just that the years of experiences together culminated in a life that seemed to only exist with the other. Now that

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Struggles- Fear
Single Struggles: Fear

“Only thing we to fear, is fear itself”  – Franklin D. Roosevelt “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” – Psalm 43:4 Fear can be gripping, keeping us paralyzed from taking any action because it could turn out to be the wrong move. Fear is not something we should be taken captive by as we can seek the Lord in all things and the peace of God will

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