Men, let’s be real. On TV we are portrayed as slobs, unable to control our emotions, irrational, and most of all, hopeless without a woman. The “Homer Simpson” man requires a woman that can pick up the pieces when bad decisions are made and run the home. When did the idea that men have to have a woman become the prevailing thought in America? At Table for One Ministries, we believe you are complete in Christ.
Tag: Relationship with God
Ladies, let’s be real. Women on TV are often portrayed as going from one man to another, trying to find completeness in a partner–emotionally, sexually, and sometimes, spiritually. The idea prevails that women need another person to be complete even if he is just a very close friend. Even strong, independent types seek someone to complete them. With all the improvements of women’s right and equality, our nation still finds a 30-year-old woman to be
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 Pie is awesome. Very few times will you hear people say no to pie. A good piece of pie is a slice of heaven on earth. But what about some humble pie? Before you go and Google it, this is not a real pie
We had a single adult write us the other day and tell us our blogs and overtones seem to be written towards those who are choosing to be single. This person is in their 50’s and bluntly said, they did NOT choose to be single this late in life, it just happened. The years flew by with lots of adventures and time with family, and before they knew it it had been 50 years and
Singles on TV. While singles are not the norm on TV, there has been a trend over the last 20 years to include more singles in TV shows. Cartoons, sitcoms, dramas, even Lifetime movies, all have singles in them. But it wasn’t always this way. TV shows 20 plus years ago thrived on the married couple with kids and if singles where in the spotlight they were dating, but eventually, married. So what changed? In
After the funeral is over and life has released its hold button, a widow struggles with a new reality that they are now single again. Thoughts and emotions are all capsized in a singular thought “I don’t want to live without you.” It’s not that this widow is suicidal, far from it. It was just that the years of experiences together culminated in a life that seemed to only exist with the other. Now that
“Only thing we to fear, is fear itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” – Psalm 43:4 Fear can be gripping, keeping us paralyzed from taking any action because it could turn out to be the wrong move. Fear is not something we should be taken captive by as we can seek the Lord in all things and the peace of God will
No matter what the age, relationships status, or amount of friends a person has, the idea of “dying alone” can come from seemingly nowhere and overtake our thoughts to the point of fear and anxiety. Satan would like us to think that we are alone and if we do not take action into our own hands then we will certainly die alone. One thing is true, we all will die. Once sin entered into the
There they go walking in front of you again. Mr. and Mrs. Perfect with their awesome married life. I bet they have a kid on the way! Wait, there is another young couple walking the opposite way holding hands and clearly in puppy love. Uh, it’s time to leave the mall because just when you had seen enough there is an elderly couple that looks like the were on the movie “UP” sharing ice cream
As a single man in his mid-forties, I lead a pretty blessed life. I have been actively walking with Christ for over thirty years now and have followed Him across three continents and seven or eight countries. I enjoy my work, I am active in my local Church, I am financially stable and I own my own home. I can look back on years of wonderful friendships with healthy, God-honoring, people. For all these blessings,