Relationships started on a lie are a lie. We watch on TV where people pretend to be someone else in order to “win” a person over. Doing insane things they don’t like all for the sake of being who the other person wants them to be. But here is the problem with that: lies built on lies are like the foolish man in Matthew 7:24-27 who built his house on sand only to watch it
Tag: Dating
Let’s talk about it. Interracial dating or dating your native race can be a big deal. Regardless of skin color, interracial dating a person of a different nationality or ethnicity may lead to a point of contention. Cultural experiences shape us into who we become whether we admit it or not. Events experienced at a young age, from the toys we play with to the friends we have, from family interactions to relationships outside our front
Over 34% of Americans are overweight according to a recent Gallup Poll. Singles who are overweight might ask themselves these questions often: Am I still single because I am overweight? In a men’s Bible study a group of single guys sit together and share about struggles in their life. The conversation may start with small issues, like trying to pray more and do better with finances. Then a bombshell drops. The quiet guy in the
Singles, in Christian dating, we all have “types” when it comes to dating. From even a young age, everyone has an ideal person they think they should date. At a young age, the toy market pushes the “ideal” image of the opposite gender to children. By the time we reach a dating age, we gravitate towards someone without even realizing we have developed a vision of the person we want to date. But where is
Do you date outside your political views? The current hostile political environment in America can affect dating relationships. We’ve heard stories of first dates asking what political party their potential mate is affiliated with. Christians in America are guilty of making a person’s political allegiances dictate their relationship interactions. For that matter, so are non-Believers. When politics is added to dating, it becomes an even more high stakes game of selecting a life partner. If
As a leader in your singles ministry you will have a dating couple in your group at some point that choose to live together or have a couple come into your group already living together. Sometimes these cohabiting/fornicating/living in sin adults will find their way to a married adult class trying to pass off as a “normal married or engaged” couple. Regardless of the entry point into the church these adults are singles until the
Ladies, let’s be real. Women on TV are often portrayed as going from one man to another, trying to find completeness in a partner–emotionally, sexually, and sometimes, spiritually. The idea prevails that women need another person to be complete even if he is just a very close friend. Even strong, independent types seek someone to complete them. With all the improvements of women’s right and equality, our nation still finds a 30-year-old woman to be
Yes. What? Was that answer too quick and easy? Does every blog have to be 1,000 words or more to truly get to the bottom of an issue? Dating a friend’s ex can be complicated if feelings are still involved. It would not be something to rush into, but it is not something to be avoided. Sometimes the couple that breaks up still hang around each other because while they’ve determined they aren’t going to
Take a look on TV, any show any network. In most every media outlet you are likely to see a stereotype of how singles meet: the bar. It may be a fancy place, or a hole in the wall, but most media are telling singles if they want to meet other singles they need to be in a bar or a club. At the risk of sounding like we are not “hip,” we are not
Online dating is a tricky subject. Everyone knows someone who has found the love of their life online, and they are happily married with kids. This creates the idea that online dating is perfect in every way. At the same time, everyone is terrified of the person who lies about everything online in order to get a date. This goes along with the idea that those searching online must be at the “bottom of the