Master Class - Being a Single Friendly Church

The average age for marriage is 31 for men and 29 for women. Over 40% of all first time marriages end in divorce. 4 out of 10 families are single parent households. How will your church reach singles?

You don’t need a new ministry program, you need to be a single-friendly church. Are you a leader trying to find a way to reach singles in your community? Our Single Friendly Church Master Class is for you! We have limited spaces available for maximum participation and application of core concepts to reach and engage single adults in your community with your coach Dr. PJ Dunn. There are four two-hour classes and a separate one-on-one ministry coaching session with PJ. We will talk about:

  • How to develop and deploy a church ministry plan
  • Defining singles and engaging each with a strategy
  • Communications and outreach plan to connect all singles of all backgrounds to your church
  • Understanding who single adults are and opportunities to guest blog with Table for One

Sign up quick, spots are limited!