Being single often brings with it a variety of emotions and challenges, especially in a society that places high value on romantic relationships. From navigating social expectations to handling feelings of loneliness, single individuals may face struggles that make their status feel more like a burden than a blessing. Yet, through the lens of a Christian worldview, the number one most significant issue with being single isn’t the lack of companionship but rather the misconception that being single means you are incomplete.
This societal message, driven by a world that glorifies relationships as the ultimate source of happiness, leads to the dangerous belief that one’s value is tied to one’s relationship status. But in truth, the Bible teaches us a profound message: You are already complete in Christ.
The Number One Biggest Issue Being Single: Societal Pressure to Couple Up
One of the biggest issues singles face is the constant pressure to find a partner. Whether it’s from well-meaning friends, family members, or media representation, there’s often a sense that being single is just a phase—a temporary state until you find “the one.” Singles are bombarded with questions like, “When are you going to settle down?” or “Haven’t you found anyone yet?” Though often asked with good intentions, such questions reinforce the idea that something is missing in your life if you’re single.
In reality, the number one biggest issue with being single stems from this societal belief that you are incomplete on your own. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if you just find a partner, everything will fall into place, and you’ll finally feel whole. But that idea is not only unhealthy; it also misses the beautiful truth about who you are in Christ.
Complete in Christ
As Christians, we know that our worth and identity do not depend on whether we are in a romantic relationship. Colossians 2:9-10 tells us, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” This means that in Christ, we are already complete. Our relationship with Him is the foundation of our identity, and nothing else—no person, job, or accomplishment—can add to or take away from that.
Singleness should not be viewed as a season of lack but as an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, the single season is a time to focus on who you already are—a beloved child of God, fully known and fully loved.
The belief that life’s ultimate goal is finding a partner to “complete you” is a myth. Accurate completion comes from knowing Jesus and accepting that His love for you is enough. Even if you never marry, you are still complete and whole in Christ, and your life has immense purpose and value.
Life Matters Because God Made You
Another critical aspect of the Christian worldview is the belief that your life has intrinsic value because God made and loves you. Psalm 139:13-14 beautifully illustrates this: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each person, whether single or married, was created with intention and love by the Creator of the universe. This truth can reshape how we view singleness.
If you are single, it’s important to remember that your life has meaning and value, not because of your relationship status, but because you are God’s creation. Your purpose is not diminished because you aren’t in a romantic relationship. This season of singleness might be exactly what God is using to draw you closer to Him, to grow your character, and to equip you for the unique purpose He has planned for your life.
The Freedom of Singleness
When we stop seeing singleness as a problem to be solved and start embracing it as a gift, we can begin to experience the freedom that comes with it. The Apostle Paul speaks highly of singleness in 1 Corinthians 7:32-34, highlighting that singles have an undivided focus on the Lord, allowing them to serve Him in ways that married people may not be able to.
Singleness offers opportunities to invest in friendships, develop skills, pursue passions, and grow in your relationship with God. It’s a time to discover who God created you to be without the distractions or demands that come with marriage. The biggest issue with being single, then, isn’t that something is missing but that we often fail to recognize the fullness we already have in Christ.

Embracing God’s Love in Every Season
For Christians, the challenge isn’t simply about navigating the single life but understanding that your worth and completeness are in Christ alone. When we embrace this truth, the pressure to find a partner begins to fade, and we can live with the confidence that we are fully loved and known by God.
The number one biggest issue with being single is not the absence of a romantic relationship—it’s believing that you need one to feel complete. But in Christ, you are already whole. God’s love for you, demonstrated through His creation and sacrifice on the cross, is the ultimate proof that your life matters.
Whether you remain single for a season or a lifetime, know that your value doesn’t come from your relationship status but from the God who made you. You are complete in Him.