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Tag: Single
Let The Games Begin!

Perhaps you have heard about this. The Game Show Network (GSN), buoyed by the success of “The American Bible Challenge,” has decided to develop another new game show with believers in mind. And so, they are developing “It Takes a Church,” a dating show where church members compete against each other to find the perfect mate for their single co-congregant. For the show, “a church will go on a mission to find love for one

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Single Christian or Christian Single?

Which is more prevalent in your life? Being single or being a Christian? Well, if we are giving the correct “churchy” answer, we would say being a Christian, but many times, truth be told, it is more about being single. Our world is more focused on marriage, families, and even civil unions. Single is seen as either very lonely with lots of cats, in a state of waiting with your life on hold for your

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single and Having the Time of my Life-
Single and Having the Time of my Life?

There is a thought out there that somehow when you are single, you should “be having the time of your life.” That before marriage and kids there is a magical time of singleness that is full of freedom, without responsibilities, with no regrets, and no worries. The only support for this notion is found in a shallow understanding of 1 Corinthians 7:32-34 where Paul acknowledges that being married can create a “divided interest” between serving

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - DTR - Define the Relationship
DTR – Define the Relationship

DTR – Define the Relationship So you have been on a few dates with someone and things look promising. However, you do not know where they stand in their feelings and you would like to be in a committed relationship. Its time for a DTR. Defining the relationship is an honest conversation with someone else about where you stand in their life and vise versa. Defining a relationship helps you give appropriate priority to that

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - An Emergency Fund Kind of Day
An Emergency Fund Kind of Day

I had a wonderful time visiting with family at Christmas. Due to my job, I traveled back from Tennessee to Texas on Christmas Day . A storm was moving up from the Gulf and another winter front moving down from Oklahoma. Eventually, these two storms would collide. No worries. I carefully planned to avoid the expected collision. According to the weather forecast, I would be in between the storms. However, both moved faster than expected.

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