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Tag: Leaders

Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - 8 Types of Singles - Blog 16x9 No Text
Leaders to Singles
Who Are Singles? 8 Types of Singles in Your Community

Singles are unique. To understand singles, you first have to see them. Singles come from many backgrounds; most would even prefer not to use the word single to describe themselves. There are 8 types of single adults in America, and defining them is the first step in seeing them.

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Leaders to Singles
Names for a Singles Ministry

Names for a Singles Ministry Over the years, our ministry to singles has had requests to post a list of singles ministry names we found while serving singles and those who lead singles. This list is the names we have experienced, with some added suggestions. We would love for you to comment and add your own group names or make suggestions for others as we build a community for single adults through discipleship. – Be

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Pregnancy Centers
Single Parents
One Way To Grow Your Singles Ministry You Missed

Pregnancy centers, also known as maternity support centers, are commonplace now in our cities and towns. These centers of hope of a life yet to be born have contributed to the steady decline of abortions in the past decade. Churches and evangelicals alike praise their existence, from a distance. The sad reality of pregnancy centers are they lack volunteer and church involvement to see the family in need through all stages of their life, not

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Single for a Reason
Single for a Reason?

Through my many years of singles ministry and working with pastors, one phrase is repeated often — “single for a reason”. It is the idea that singles are composed of misfits and odd ducks that are stranger than… married people. Next time you hear this phrase, here are some possible responses: We’re all messed up Reject rejecting language Leadership matters The reason you or a group of people are “… for a reason” is not

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Christian Unity
Leaders to Singles
It’s ok if you’re wrong

Without guidance, people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance. Proverbs 11:14 What a strange place for Christian unity to be right now for an evangelical. There was a time when the world made sense, when everyone, at least everyone I knew, voted Republican. We voted that way because that was the party that stood for the things we cared about. Things like being pro-life, protecting religious liberty, and promoting conservative values. We could,

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Authority of Scripture and a Game of Telephone
Authority of Scripture and a Game of Telephone

Sometimes, I like to play a little game with my students. it’s called “telephone.” The objective of the game is to transfer the same message from the front of the line to the end of the line. When we are ready to begin, I communicate the message to the first person, and then I let the message go! Sometimes, when I check with the last person, the message got through…and sometimes… the message failed mid,

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Cautious Compassion- The Syrian Refugee Crisis
Leaders to Singles
Cautious Compassion: The Syrian Refugee Crisis

He we are again. Caught in the middle of a raging debate that has quickly divided and then devolved into name calling and demonizing our opponents. On one side you have the zealots who are calling for a complete shutting down of our borders to keep out the crazies insisting that ISIS is hiding thousands of jihadist amongst the refugees bent on our destruction. On the other side you have calls for throwing open the

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - How Does Your Church Greet Singles-
Leaders to Singles
How Does Your Church Greet Singles?

Greeters across the country will wake up Sunday to serve at thousands of church doors across America. Do they realize nearly 40% of people who walk in their doors will be single adults? True, not every church has the nationwide average, but when singles attend your church how do volunteers respond? Here are some common responses: We have a college and career class While the size of a church may limit the options, a college

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Assuming About Single Parents
Single Parents
Assuming About Single Parents

Too often we assume. When we see single parents there is an assumption that premarital sex probably occurred and that the other person is long gone abandoning their children. There is also an assumption that single parents almost always come as mothers, not as fathers. Finally there is an assumption they can not do it alone and the phrase “I don’t know how you do it” always seems to slip out. We would like to

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - NYE Countdown
Leaders to Singles
NYE Countdown!

3….2….1…. Happy New Year! Another year has gone and another one begins. Many singles in your ministry may not want to be alone come the drop of the ball. Starting the year off with friends and fellowship  is a great way to look forward to a brighter new year. What can your ministry do to help singles welcome in the New Year? Here are a few tips. Have a Party! No booze. Get some music,

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