Names for a Young Adult Ministry
Over the years, our ministry to singles has had requests to post a list of singles ministry names we found while serving singles and those who lead singles. This list is the names we have experienced, with some added suggestions. We would love for you to comment and add your own group names or make suggestions for others as we build a community for single adults through discipleship.
- Who are Young Adults? -
Be a Friend Worth Having
It’s not about a Young Adults Ministry, it’s about your church building authentic relationships with young adults. Table for One Ministries has existed to build a community for Single Adults and Young Adults through discipleship since 2013! We offer ministry resources such as blogs, conferences, bible studies, and coaching.
Delayed Marriage
30 is the average age for a first marriage for men and 28 for women as of 2022. This has increased every year for the past 25 years, with a major increase since 2007.
20% Divorce ages 25-34
Young adults have the highest divorce rate of married adults, with those 25-34 experiencing a divorce rate
College Age is Older
The average age of college students is now 26 years old. This average age takes into account both traditional college students who enroll immediately after high school and non-traditional students who may return to college later in life or attend part-time while working.
College Ranker 2024
Slightly over half of 18-21 are in school
Only 57% of those 18-21 in 2018 were enrolled in a college or university.
27 Years Old at Childbirth
While there was a large jump in birth rates for women in their late 30s, the decline seen in younger groups still brought the overall fertility rate down, shifting the median age at childbirth to 27.
Single Parents are Millennials
More than half of single mothers (52.9%) and more than 1 in 3 single fathers (37%) are millennials.
Choosing the right name for a young adult’s church group is an important step in creating an identity that resonates with the members and reflects the group’s mission. A great name inspires, creates a sense of belonging, and attracts new members. But a name is just that, a name. We would recommend that you don’t use fancy names for a young adult ministry description. Name a group a title that people will put into Google a search for in your community! That name will be the most effective and relational name you can pick. Often the best results are naming a group “Singles 20+” or Singles 20’s & 30’s” But if you want a list, here it is 🙂 Remember, a young adult group isn’t about dating or a “young adult ministry.” It is about being complete in Christ! You need to be single-friendly, not just have a catchy name for singles and young adults.
The Gathering
- This name emphasizes community and coming together as a family in Christ.
- A name that inspires growth and rising above life’s challenges through faith.
- A name that speaks to flourishing in faith and life.
- Perfect for a group focused on igniting passion for Christ and living out one’s faith boldly.
- Reflects the journey of pursuing God and His purpose for our lives.
The Bridge
- A name symbolizing connection between people and God.
- Suggests shining the light of Christ in the world.
- Emphasizes being rooted and grounded in Christ.
- A call to spiritual awakening and deeper faith.
- A dynamic name for a group moving forward in their faith journey.
- For a group that’s ready to step out in faith and adventure.
- Perfect for a group that aims to spark change and growth in the community.
The Well
- Symbolizes a place of spiritual refreshment and renewal.
- Focusing on experiencing God’s presence in powerful ways.
- For a group centered on renewal and revival in the Spirit.
The Vine
- Drawn from John 15:5, emphasizing staying connected to Christ.
New Horizons
- A name that reflects new beginnings and exploring God’s purpose.
- For a group that seeks to echo Christ’s love in their lives.
- A place of refuge and spiritual nourishment.
- Reflecting the joy of being found in Christ.
- Emphasizing unity in faith and purpose.
- For a group that values deep, biblical roots.
- Acknowledging the ongoing walk with Christ.
The Fold
- Symbolizing belonging and being part of God’s flock.
The Hub
- A name for a group that serves as the center of spiritual activity and fellowship.
Choosing the right name for your young adults group can set the tone for your ministry and help attract others who share your mission and vision. Let these ideas inspire you to create a group name that reflects your community’s unique character and purpose.
- Authenticity is the currency of young adults -
Reach Young Adults
We are seeking church partnerships nationwide in 2025 to host Christian young adult conferences. These young adult conferences or retreats are discussions for young adults of all ages and backgrounds.
From these catalytic event gatherings, we encourage small group communities to be formed. Some will use our 6-week single adult curriculum, Embrace the Table. We see 25%-40% of young adult conference attendees join a small group after our events for the first time using our Embrace the Table 6 session study.
Gatherings Focused on Life Change.
- Pre & Post Event Meetings
- Customized Gathering to Your Context
- Volunteer and Staff Training
- Mobilize Singles to Be Disciple-Makers
Not all singles are the same.
Singles in Church
Less than a quarter of your church is single, but your community is over 40% single.