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Tag: Family
How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage: Embracing Completeness in Christ

Singles you may or may not be married some day. At Table for One Ministries, we often include in our blogs the idea of being Complete in Christ for singles. But being Complete in Christ is not just for singles. It is for all adults. If you one day are called to marriage, remember this tip to help divorce-proof your marriage: Be Complete in Christ! That’s right. Being Complete in Christ and not in a

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You Don’t Deserve my Forgiveness

I offer forgiveness to you. Three words that people fight to say all the time. It could be pride, jealousy, or even anger that causes us not to want to offer forgiveness but we don’t say them nearly enough. Why? How can we learn how to say “I am sorry” and offer forgiveness to those who don’t deserve it?            But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While

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Being Dad Through Divorce

Divorce is ugly. Talk to anyone who is going through or has survived a divorced and unanimously they will say, even in the best of circumstances, divorce is hard. When children are involved in divorce, the stakes and emotions are even higher. From the day one spouse says the words “I want a divorce”, life and the marriage relationship will never return to the place it once was with unbroken trust. Dads are by nature

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Leaders to Singles
Father to the Fatherless

At Table for One, we acknowledge that the children of a single parent often experience a feeling of emptiness for a missing parent, longing for a Father to the Fatherless. This void is a direct result of God’s plan for every child to have a mother and a father to raise that child in the way he or she should go. But when God’s model family does not happen, children are left missing a parent

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Racism and Dating

Let’s talk about it. Interracial dating or dating your native race can be a big deal. Regardless of skin color, interracial dating a person of a different nationality or ethnicity may lead to a point of contention. Cultural experiences shape us into who we become whether we admit it or not. Events experienced at a young age, from the toys we play with to the friends we have, from family interactions to relationships outside our front

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Leaders to Singles
Singles Lose at Christmas

Where will your family celebrate Christmas this year? As the days zoom past before Christmas, families across the country start discussing where Christmas will take place. For some, this is easy. There is a set location and family gathering time regardless of any other circumstances. For others, a tug-of-war begins between single and married siblings. Singles often lose at the holidays when they have a married sibling in the family. It’s likely that Christmas is

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog -Between Separation and Divorce
Between Separation and Divorce

Between Separation and Divorce, there is the: Opportunity to focus on Christ.  Do you move forward with divorce? Seek wise counsel.  Look to His Word and as 1 Thessalonians 2:16 instructs us, pray continually. Opportunity to grow your relationship with Christ.  Dust off your Bible and dig in. Look for verses to strengthen your heart.  Seek His comfort. Opportunity to volunteer.  The adage that helping others will bless you may never be truer than if

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Leaders to Singles
Single and Considering an Abortion

The world tells us you that as a single you cannot raise a child alone. Regardless of the life in you, your life and priorities come first. After all, how will you raise a child by yourself? This lie is spread by some who are pro-choice in an attempt for a mother-to-be to feel empowered to chose what God has already allowed. Ironically, once society gets past this decision, mothers, Christian or not, can find

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Single Parents
Single Parent=Exhausted Parent

Unless you have been there, it is really hard to understand. Single parents struggle with so many challenges. Your kids can be sweet, and then sometimes, they can be little terrors. You love them with all your heart and would die for them if called to, but there are also times when you might just give them away if only for a moment’s peace. Your average day consists of waking early to get yourself ready

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