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Tag: Support

Table for One Ministries - Navigating the High Cost of Singleness in the U.S. A Journey Towards Financial Independence and Completeness in Christ - Blog 16x9 - Blank
Leaders to Singles
Navigating Singles Tax and the High Cost of Singleness in the US

One of the most significant financial hurdles for singles is the lack of shared expenses. Unlike couples who can split the cost of living, singles bear the full brunt of rent, utilities, groceries, and other daily expenses. This disparity can make everyday living more costly for those navigating life independently. Consider this when planning events as a church may choose to supplement the cost of community gatherings for singles to help them thrive in community.

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Leaders to Singles
How to Start a Singles Ministry or Group

You are likely to know several singles in your church. Enlist their help as you pray towards God’s plan for starting a singles ministry. And when asked, “does your church have a singles group,” don’t answer with a simple no. Ask the person to pray with you. Go to the church staff and ask them to pray about it. Talk to your Sunday class about your desire to see singles gathered and request they pray

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Time Management Tips for New Single Mothers Balancing Responsibilities with Ease - Blog 16x9
Single Parents
Time Management Tips for New Single Mothers

Balancing Responsibilities with Ease Becoming a single mother can be an overwhelming experience, filled with new responsibilities and time constraints. Juggling parenting, work, household chores, and personal needs might seem impossible. However, effective time management strategies can create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Here are some practical tips to help you manage your time as a new single mother. 40% of all families are single parent housholds Learn More #1 Prioritize and Plan Start

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Will God Still Love Me After an Abortion?

She’s in your ministry. She’s had an abortion. She wonders, will God love her again? As believers, we are passionate about saving the unborn, but that passion fails to communicate our love for the mothers. The good news is that in the last two decades, there has been a substantial drop in abortions. The other news is people have had or still choose to have abortions, and the church needs to be ready to minister

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Limiting Guest at Holidays Limits God's Kingdom - web
Leaders to Singles
Hospitality: Limiting Guests at Holidays Limits God’s Kingdom

Matthew 9:10-13 tells us that Jesus gives the perfect example of hospitality as He welcomes many tax collectors and sinners to dine with Him and His disciples. “Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples (NASB).” This passage illustrates Jesus’ inclusive approach to dining, showcasing the transformative power of hospitality in fostering connection and

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Single Parents
Four Things the Single Parent Needs from the Church

Single parenting! I remember those days well! When I entered into this stage in my life I had just left the military but little did I realize I was entering into an even bigger challenge. One that would demand more physical and mental stamina than my Drill Sergeants had demanded from me. My daily routine consisted of getting not only myself, but the kids, out of bed and ready for the day. I’d get them

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Time with God
Time with God

There are some excellent reading plans available to read the entire Bible in a year or even 90 days. These plans are great, and we encourage you to try one at least once. As a follower of Christ, you need to build a relationship with Him and know Him better. This comes through many venues. You can worship the Lord in praise. You can read about Him in His Word. You can also spend time

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