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Tag: Single Struggles

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - The Discipline of a Sacred Friendship
Leaders to Singles
The Discipline of a Sacred Friendship

One of the few things that Hollywood has gotten right over the past few years is tapping into the “friendship effect” among young single adults. On any given evening, you can find numerous TV programs that depict a community of young adult friends (male and female) sharing life together as a “family” in a postmodern world; these shows may have different titles, but the setup is always the same. While the lifestyle and moral choices

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Why am I single?

The question of why a person is STILL single starts with all the wrong questions and answers. Why am I all alone? – “You’re not good enough” Why have I not purchased a home yet? – “You need a house to be settled” Why is dating so hard? – “Love just happens” Why can’t I make friends? – “Everyone else is loved” Why have I never been on a date? – “Your don’t put yourself

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table-for-one-ministries-ministry-for-singles-and-leaders-to-singles-blog-mental-health-and-allowing-god-to-use-all-options mental health
Leaders to Singles
Mental Health and Allowing God to Use All Options

Your friends, family, and loved ones already know. They see it on your face every day, and hear it in your voice when you speak. The mental health struggle, once a moment, has settled into a season, and you’re not sure how to get out. You pray. You read Scripture. You believe in a God who heals all things according to His will. You seek wise counsel. You go to small group. You ask for

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - loneliness in church
Single Parents
Feeling Alone in the Pew

It’s Sunday morning and you are off to church. You arrive on time for the worship service and slip into the back. Then, there it is. The happy couple in front of you with two kids and a dog at home with a nice home and great jobs. Just what you wanted to see when you came to church today, something you don’t have. This scenario can often exacerbate feelings of loneliness in church. Instantly,

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Community after College

Graduation day has come and gone. Celebrations of “no more school ever” have faded and college room furniture donated to the next incoming student hopeful for the year ahead. Graduating college is a big day,  the start of a new chapter in your life. Maybe you will move back home with your parents or have found a job in a new city. Wherever this new chapter in your life starts, it will start with new

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Single for a Reason
Single for a Reason?

Through my many years of singles ministry and working with pastors, one phrase is repeated often — “single for a reason”. It is the idea that singles are composed of misfits and odd ducks that are stranger than… married people. Next time you hear this phrase, here are some possible responses: We’re all messed up Reject rejecting language Leadership matters The reason you or a group of people are “… for a reason” is not

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - single adult fear
Fear the Table for One

Fear is an interesting word. Its use invokes emotion from all who have known its grip. The sensation of helplessness is all too often the motivator behind fear. After a horror movie, fear comes from thinking about not being able to control things like you saw on the screen from happening to you as you drive home alone. In finances, single adult fear arises from the instability of knowing the future and striving to maintain

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Don't Assume My Table for One
Don’t Assume My Table for One

I love to eat out. In fact it’s one of my favorite things to do in my week. It’s not that I overeat, I just enjoy going out and tasting new things and meeting new people. I even include it in my monthly budget so I am responsible about my table for one dining experiences. One particular night, I walked into a restaurant and ran into some church friends. They are not from my class

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Pushing Through
Pushing Through

At times God places a vision inside your heart, or permits some difficulty into your life for your own good, or tells you to move to an unknown land (Genesis 12:1), or tells you to sacrifice your eldest son (Genesis 22)? (Well, not you. Abraham in this case, but you get the idea). Yeah…my instructor did that. Pushing through challenges becomes necessary in such moments.I like the instructors that tell me how many reps or

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - El- Roi- The God Who Sees You
El- Roi: The God Who Sees You

And I will make my mountains into level paths for them. Yet Jerusalem says, ‘The Lord has deserted us, the Lord has forgotten us.’ Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? See I have written your name on the palms of my hands. All the world will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel. Isaiah 49:11, 14-16, 26 (The Living Bible) As a single, you

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