Discover 5 reasons why every Christian single should attend a Christian singles conference for growth and community.
Discover 5 reasons why every Christian single should attend a Christian singles conference for growth and community.
Names for a Young Adult Ministry Over the years, our ministry to singles has had requests to post a list of singles ministry names we found while serving singles and those who lead singles. This list is the names we have experienced, with some added suggestions. We would love for you to comment and add your own group names or make suggestions for others as we build a community for single adults through discipleship. –
Names for a Singles Ministry We recommend that you don’t use fancy names for a single ministry description. Name a group a title that people will put into Google a search for in your community! That name will be the most effective and relational name you can pick. Often the best results are naming a group “Singles 20+” or Singles 20’s & 30’s” But if you want a list, here it is 🙂 Remember, a
You are likely to know several singles in your church. Enlist their help as you pray towards God’s plan for starting a singles ministry. And when asked, “does your church have a singles group,” don’t answer with a simple no. Ask the person to pray with you. Go to the church staff and ask them to pray about it. Talk to your Sunday class about your desire to see singles gathered and request they pray
No one is happy. The ladies say the guys won’t ask them out. The guys say the ladies stay in their social circles and won’t come out. No one is on anyone’s romantic radar. Welcome to the Friend Zone. It’s a place that single adults find themselves at almost every church event. Sure, there are people that blast through the friend zone and find their mate through church, but more and more singles are frustrated
Singles are unique. To understand singles, you first have to see them. Singles come from many backgrounds; most would even prefer not to use the word single to describe themselves. There are 8 types of single adults in America, and defining them is the first step in seeing them.
1. How singles date now. 2. Why singles wait so long to marry. 3. We are Complete without a spouse. 4. How we spend our money. 5. Where we hangout.
Stop Following Your Heart from the start. Have you ever heard of Lemmings? It was a popular game a few years back, when floppy drives were still in use! It’s also an animal associated with the idea of following the leader no matter what, blindly going where they lead. The problem, of course, is that lemmings follow the leader, even if it’s over a cliff! They follow blindly until something happens, whether good or bad.
When my marriage of 14 years ended against my wishes, I drove to and from work, often not remembering how I got there. When I arrived home at the end of the day, I found myself staring at the television without registering what was on. I was a zombie. All I could think was, ‘What now? I’m alone, searching for finding hope after divorce. That feeling of despair eventually dissipated, especially as I found solace
Ladies, don’t think you are immune to the trap of pornography. According to XXXChurch.com, 49% of women found pornography an acceptable way of expressing sexuality. Thirteen percent of women admit to viewing pornography at work and one of every three visitors to porn websites are women. Even worse, 34% of church-going women admit to looking at pornography. This is not a conversation about whether a novel you might have read is a version of porn.
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