Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.
Divorced NOT Damaged For singles who have been divorced, it can feel like you always have a scarlet “D” on your chest for “Divorced.” The Christian community can often be the worst offenders of this, labeling you as “Damaged” but redeemed. Divorce was not God’s plan for any marriage, but it happens. Jesus even addresses it in Matthew 19:1-9, saying it was because of mans hardness of hearts that divorce even happens. This blog is
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.
We all see the posts of a lonely person. Whether married or single, you have friends who post and post, and then post some more. It seems every time you check your feed, you know the last meal they ate and how their food was! Then there are posts of loneliness and clear cries for attention and help that break your heart. You want your friends to not feel lonely, so you try to get
Simply starting a ministry with a name doesn’t mean you’ll attract young adults. Focus on providing for and meeting needs to bring the gospel message to young adults near your church.
I am 40 and still single. Live Beyond the What-if Life. I didn’t want this for my life. I wanted kids in middle school or high school at this point. Just like all my peers. And, I find myself renting, fearful to buy a home in case I find someone and have to move again. What if the right person came along this week? We might be married in a few months and have a
Take 30 seconds and just listen to your surroundings. Go on, seriously, right where you are, clear your mind and just listen…. For most of us, our lives are filled with noise. Whether it’s the noise of a busy street, music in our headphones, or the TV in the background, we seek distractions so we don’t have to face the silence. But what if, in that very silence, lies the key to finding God in
Life is full of distractions. We’re distracted at work, at home, with media, and even our local churches. It’s not hard to wonder why it’s so hard to stay focused on the most important things in our life. How we handle distractions is a part of maturing our faith. Choosing the difference between a distraction and God’s calling is vital to following Christ. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to
You have been single for a few years but recently you have been dating someone and it is getting serious, real serious. You are both casually talking about building a life together and dreaming big dreams for your future. Pause. Before you start down those roads too far, remember the step between being married and dating is being engaged. Question engagement is often undervalued, merely seen as a step to get a ring and reasons
So you are not the ‘outgoing type’ or would rather curl up with a book on Friday night and not engage the world, but it’s crucial to consider engaging others for Christ in every aspect of life. Or maybe you are the “life of the party” kind of person and hate sitting in silence. Both people are created by God and uniquely wired to have a way to “charge up their batteries.” But when it
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