One of the most significant financial hurdles for singles is the lack of shared expenses. Unlike couples who can split the cost of living, singles bear the full brunt of rent, utilities, groceries, and other daily expenses. This disparity can make everyday living more costly for those navigating life independently. Consider this when planning events as a church may choose to supplement the cost of community gatherings for singles to help them thrive in community.
Tag: Finances
For some, it is pretty easy to stick to a Spending Plan except when budgeting for unexpected expenses becomes necessary. Some of these expenses can be predicted, some are just pure, unwelcome surprises. It is important to have an emergency fund to take care of the unwelcome surprises that we know will happen from time to time. However, there are many “unexpected” expenses that, with a little thought and planning, can be budgeted for in
What a great church service you had this morning. Now all your friends from the Singles Group are heading out to lunch. You know your money is tight and a constant headache, but you just can’t take going back to your apartment and having something frozen. Besides, you deserve to indulge in budget-friendly socializing because (insert reason here). The truth is, if you don’t have the money in your budget for this meal out, then
So, you are single, carefree and are thinking a week at a beach house with your buddies sounds like a great vacation. Or maybe you are a single parent who wants to give your 7-year old and your 9-year old the magical vacation that every child dreams of…a trip to Disney World! So you just grab a soda and jump in the car and go, right? Of course not! With no plan or thought put
Money is the root of all evil, right? Not even close. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is a tool that can be used for some very good things, like feeding your family or giving to support a ministry. Money can also be a tool to do bad things like spoil children or finance terrorists groups. It’s not the money. It’s how the money is used. How do you handle money? As singles, we
“I sometimes indulge in avoidance by sticking my head in the sand. It’s comfortable down there. Especially around the 1st and 15th of the month when I have to sit down, write checks and pay daunting companies for the services they provide out of my already low bank account. Indeed. Punching numbers and paying the Piper has lost its joy these days, but not paying the Piper brings unwanted rats into my life. As I So when do you become an adult? Is it when you get keys to your first car at age 16?At 18 when you can make your own legal decisions?At 21 when you can legally drink alcohol?When you move away from home?When you get your first job?When you can pay all your own bills?When you get married? Defining adulthood is nothing short of impossible. The idea that an age, ceremony, or responsibility defines adulthood gives
Where will your family celebrate Christmas this year? As the days zoom past before Christmas, families across the country start discussing where Christmas will take place. For some, this is easy. There is a set location and family gathering time regardless of any other circumstances. For others, a tug-of-war begins between single and married siblings. Singles often lose at the holidays when they have a married sibling in the family. It’s likely that Christmas is
Big Purchase, Big Decision For single adults, financial decisions often feel like something you have to do on your own. Sure, you have friends and family to help. But friends and family are not always the wisest counsel when it comes to large purchases. Who do you trust when you have to make a tough choice? Do you go with Internet reviews? The article about Top Ten Cars? The brother-in-law who is a mechanic? Mortgage
Proven fact: if it’s here, it stays here. Have you ever stopped to look around your home at all the things you have? This is not a blog about how “things” are bad or how we should even sell it all and give it to the poor. This post is about the life of a widow. They had been married for years and years and with that length of time came things. Books, electronics, things