Being a single man in my 40s, never married, I’ve heard all the questions. “Why are you still single?” “Have you tried online dating?” “Don’t you want a family?” While these questions may come from well-meaning friends and family, they often assume that singleness is a problem to be solved rather than a calling that can be embraced. The truth is, I am single, but I am not incomplete. My life is whole, my purpose
Tag: Dating
Explore the exciting Christian holidays of 2025 by reading our blog ‘Christian Holidays in 2025‘.
No one is happy. The ladies say the guys won’t ask them out. The guys say the ladies stay in their social circles and won’t come out. No one is on anyone’s romantic radar. Welcome to the Friend Zone. It’s a place that single adults find themselves at almost every church event. Sure, there are people that blast through the friend zone and find their mate through church, but more and more singles are frustrated
Stop Following Your Heart from the start. Have you ever heard of Lemmings? It was a popular game a few years back, when floppy drives were still in use! It’s also an animal associated with the idea of following the leader no matter what, blindly going where they lead. The problem, of course, is that lemmings follow the leader, even if it’s over a cliff! They follow blindly until something happens, whether good or bad.
For those unaware, sexting is a form of provocative language between a couple using electronic communication. The question often arises: Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? In a relationship, couples will often find creative ways to convey their love to one another. In years of old, this may have been letter writing or heaven forbid an actual conversation. In any relationship communication is key, but what type of communication is profitable? Is Sexting OK in
There is no way to dice it or dance around it. I loved an atheist. I loved him with every fiber of my being. Had it not ended, I might have loved him more than I love God. In total transparency, my ex still has a small piece of my heart, that tiny shoebox in the corner of a heart where first loves and tacos live. Our “relationship” was a roller coaster of poor judgment,
The question of why a person is STILL single starts with all the wrong questions and answers. Why am I all alone? – “You’re not good enough” Why have I not purchased a home yet? – “You need a house to be settled” Why is dating so hard? – “Love just happens” Why can’t I make friends? – “Everyone else is loved” Why have I never been on a date? – “Your don’t put yourself
The falsity of the statement in this title reaches many levels. If you are a Christ follower, we’re sure you felt the same immediately as a single. Except the importance level, searching for a mate is no different than seeking and drawing closer to Jesus. Building a healthy relationship, whether with Jesus or with a friend or with a family member, takes time and effort on the part of all parties. Although we know
Let’s be honest. Singles are horrible about waiting until the last minute to show faithfulness. After all, something better, more fun, cooler, even a date!– might actually come along. We wait to reply yes on Facebook in fear that if we say yes then a better offer might come along. Singles even often use the phrase “planning on it” as a way to say yes, but something could happen. When the Sunday School list to
Movies portray the single adult as a free spirit and anti-dating all because he or she fears a broken heart. But the realities of a broken heart are nothing new. In Genesis 29, we learn that Jacob works hard for seven years only to wake up the morning after his wedding married to Leah instead of Rachel, the one he loved. Outraged, Jacob must have been heartbroken since he had worked years for his true