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Category: Same-Sex Attraction

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Sunday Single Selection
Sunday Single Selection

It is Saturday night and you know you should go to church tomorrow, yet you have reservations in your heart about where to go or if you should find somewhere new to go for your Sunday single selection. You want to Worship and hear the Word preached, but the church you go to does not seem to get being single or you can not find a church with a singles group. Many singles have this

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Marriage isn't the Finish Line
Marriage isn’t the Finish Line

The big day is here! Here comes the bride all dressed in white. The groom dressed to the nines in his rented tux stands fidgeting at the front to begin a ceremony that moves even the hardest of hearts to tears. Then comes the reception including a toast from the father of bride of just how proud he is that his little girl found a man, almost implicating that a secret achievement has been unlocked

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Not an Option
Not an Option: Overcoming Temptation

When is the last time you made overcoming temptation ‘Not an Option’? Truly, 100% said to yourself that under no circumstances will I ever ____. Everyone has things that are not options in their lives, such as the clothes worn to work or the food we choose to eat that may cause allergic reactions. Everyone makes choices everyday that make things “Not an Option” in their life. Yet, somehow, we are still tripped by the

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - End of the Rope with Addiction
End of the Rope with Addiction

Do you ever feel torn between doing what you know is right, and then succumbing to addiction anyway? Choosing to continue in a sin that you should be able to be free of, yet you keep making the same mistake. We have some comforting words for you, the apostle Paul had this same struggle in Romans 7-8 regarding the Law. The Message translation Bible is not intended to be an everyday Bible, but what it

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - An Eternal Perspective on Worry
An Eternal Perspective on Worry

I Love Jesus. Jesus Loves Me. I’m Going to Heaven.   Simple right? But how many hours do we worry over paying bills, our retirement accounts, and having nice cars? All for what? As born-again Christians, Matthew 6:25-34 is clear how we are to feel about this life. If you want to know more about being a “born again” check out our Am I Alone page on our website. “Therefore I tell you, do not

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Coping with Loneliness
Coping with Loneliness

Loneliness can come into our lives in many different circumstances. You may be the only person in your home. Society can make a single person feel alone or you may be suffering without no one to turn to for comfort. You may be sad over the loss of a loved one. Each single adult is faced with the decision to allow loneliness to pervade in your life or not. Being single is not easy. Budgets

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Build Your Testimony
Build Your Testimony

What is a testimony? It is simply sharing how you responded to Christ call in your life. After his encounter with Christ when he spoke before King Agrippa the Apostle Paul was an example for us on how to share our testimony. Read Acts 26 to hear Paul tell his story. Before – Acts 26: 4-11 How – Acts 26:12-18 After – Acts 26:19-23 Answer the following questions to help form your salvation testimony: Before:

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