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Category: Singles on Mission

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Left Behind
Left Behind; Coping with friends’ marriages as a single adult

As a single guy who is old enough to be pondering questions such as, ‘Am I contributing enough to my 401(k)?’ or, ‘Does my potential new job offer dental benefits, because I might need dentures soon…?’, I have been around long enough to have witnessed the marriage of many of my best friends. Coping friends’ marriages can be challenging for single individuals like myself. Heck, most of my friends are on their second or third

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Sunday Single Selection
Sunday Single Selection

It is Saturday night and you know you should go to church tomorrow, yet you have reservations in your heart about where to go or if you should find somewhere new to go for your Sunday single selection. You want to Worship and hear the Word preached, but the church you go to does not seem to get being single or you can not find a church with a singles group. Many singles have this

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - All In
Singles on Mission
All In – A Story of Unwavering Commitment

If I had known at 20 that at age 30 I would be serving as a single female missionary in the Middle East, I would have probably married the next guy that came along, forsaking my commitment to God’s calling. And, I would have regretted it, I’m positive. Why?  Because I am right where I am supposed to be, fulfilling my commitment to God’s plan for me. On the good days, my heart is so

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - The Width of My Hand
The Width of My Hand

Honestly, I thought I had more time, more time to develop the best strategy and to muster the courage. If I would have just had more time to get my own issues figured out, my own life goals in order, THEN I’m fairly certain I would have been ready. I guess I was waiting for the perfect moment. But maybe that’s not it at all. Maybe it is worse than that. Maybe I just didn’t

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Did I Make a Mistake-
Singles on Mission
Did I Make a Mistake?

rusting God in challenging times, my plane landed in Central Asia in the wee hours of the morning. After training, I couldn’t get here fast enough. This is where I felt called to and had been working towards for a long time. It was finally happening. I was joining the work of taking the Good News to the nations. I piled my four VERY heavy bags on a cart, and basically skipped to the exit

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Wholehearted Devotion
Singles on Mission
Wholehearted Devotion

Are You All In? Being “all in” is who I am and proud to be. I am not sure when it happened, but sometime after my ministry call hit me, I decided to be a man who made his Yes be Yes and his No be No. Like Matthew 5:37 tells us, I decided to follow God and be all in for whatever He planned for my life. At 19, I hadn’t been on a

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - An Eternal Perspective on Worry
An Eternal Perspective on Worry

I Love Jesus. Jesus Loves Me. I’m Going to Heaven.   Simple right? But how many hours do we worry over paying bills, our retirement accounts, and having nice cars? All for what? As born-again Christians, Matthew 6:25-34 is clear how we are to feel about this life. If you want to know more about being a “born again” check out our Am I Alone page on our website. “Therefore I tell you, do not

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Christmas Music All Year
Leaders to Singles
Christmas Music All Year

I have a confession to make. A few years ago I decided to make a major decision in my life. I would no longer contain Christmas music to one month of the year and in fact I would proudly say Christmas is my favorite music all year long! I play it when coworkers are around, in my car with friends, even post on Facebook anytime I had the urge to sing some Christmas cheer! Not

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Come and Follow Me
Singles on Mission
Come and Follow Me

We live in a world of would-be leaders.  An American adult who ventures into a bookstore or spends time browsing on Amazon will find hundreds of titles that promise to unlock the hidden potential of our “inner leader”. Books claim to distill the essence of leadership by examining the lives of successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, and statesmen. Leaders are the ones who make headlines, who supposedly make history, and who our culture is constantly telling us

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