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Author: PJ Dunn

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Wholehearted Devotion
Singles on Mission
Wholehearted Devotion

Are You All In? Being “all in” is who I am and proud to be. I am not sure when it happened, but sometime after my ministry call hit me, I decided to be a man who made his Yes be Yes and his No be No. Like Matthew 5:37 tells us, I decided to follow God and be all in for whatever He planned for my life. At 19, I hadn’t been on a

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - An Eternal Perspective on Worry
An Eternal Perspective on Worry

I Love Jesus. Jesus Loves Me. I’m Going to Heaven.   Simple right? But how many hours do we worry over paying bills, our retirement accounts, and having nice cars? All for what? As born-again Christians, Matthew 6:25-34 is clear how we are to feel about this life. If you want to know more about being a “born again” check out our Am I Alone page on our website. “Therefore I tell you, do not

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You’re Married…You Wouldn’t Understand

As a married guy with a recent addition of a daughter, I had someone tell me this week that I “do not understand what it’s like to be single.” I have been married for just over two years, and I was single for 28 years. I know way more about being single than being a married dad. But the thing that bothers me most about this phrase is that people assume I don’t understand. Before

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Christmas Music All Year
Leaders to Singles
Christmas Music All Year

I have a confession to make. A few years ago I decided to make a major decision in my life. I would no longer contain Christmas music to one month of the year and in fact I would proudly say Christmas is my favorite music all year long! I play it when coworkers are around, in my car with friends, even post on Facebook anytime I had the urge to sing some Christmas cheer! Not

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Choose- Christmas or Easter-
Leaders to Singles
Choose: Christmas or Easter?

Christmas: Christ was born! God became man in flesh to be 100% God and 100% man. His birth is God’s way of offering a perfect sacrifice for all mankind’s sins. Not to mention all the Christmas lights, trees, Christmas music, giving and receiving gifts, and time with family. Christmas is pretty awesome. Easter: The child born fully man and fully God is fulfilling prophecy the week leading up to his crucifixion. His apostles break bread with Him and celebrate

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - East Asia Trip
Singles on Mission
East Asia Trip

I had never traveled outside of the United States, let alone gone further west than Texas. Presented with an opportunity to go and deliver Bibles to Chinese tourists in East Asia was a tempting offer, however with only a few months until my wedding day I had reservations about traveling so far, and most of all the finances involved. So I declined and continued on being a singles minister at my church. Then the Lord provided all

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