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Month: April 2019

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - A Single Budget- Those Unexpected Expenses
A Single Budget: Those Unexpected Expenses

For some, it is pretty easy to stick to a Spending Plan except when budgeting for unexpected expenses becomes necessary. Some of these expenses can be predicted, some are just pure, unwelcome surprises. It is important to have an emergency fund to take care of the unwelcome surprises that we know will happen from time to time. However, there are many “unexpected” expenses that, with a little thought and planning, can be budgeted for in

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Is Sexting OK in My Relationship
Is Sexting OK in My Relationship

For those unaware, sexting is a form of provocative language between a couple using electronic communication. The question often arises: Is Sexting OK in My Relationship? In a relationship, couples will often find creative ways to convey their love to one another. In years of old, this may have been letter writing or heaven forbid an actual conversation. In any relationship communication is key, but what type of communication is profitable? Is Sexting OK in

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - A Single Budget- How Can I Have a Life When I Have No Money-
A Single Budget: How Can I Have a Life When I Have No Money?

What a great church service you had this morning. Now all your friends from the Singles Group are heading out to lunch. You know your money is tight and a constant headache, but you just can’t take going back to your apartment and having something frozen. Besides, you deserve to indulge in budget-friendly socializing because (insert reason here). The truth is, if you don’t have the money in your budget for this meal out, then

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Will Marriage Fix My Sexual Desires-
Will Marriage Fix My Sexual Desires?

“But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” – 1 Corinthians 7:9 Marriage is more than a fix for addressing sexual desires within marriage. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul addresses marriage to the married, single, widowed and divorced adults. In light of the above passage, how can any person choose to be single with such a burning sinful desire of passion? Are singles

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - A Single Budget- So What’s the Plan-
A Single Budget: So What’s the Plan?

So, you are single, carefree and are thinking a week at a beach house with your buddies sounds like a great vacation. Or maybe you are a single parent who wants to give your 7-year old and your 9-year old the magical vacation that every child dreams of…a trip to Disney World! So you just grab a soda and jump in the car and go, right? Of course not! With no plan or thought put

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - A Single Budget- A Spiritual Revival
A Single Budget: A Spiritual Revival

Money is the root of all evil, right? Not even close. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is a tool that can be used for some very good things, like feeding your family or giving to support a ministry. Money can also be a tool to do bad things like spoil children or finance terrorists groups. It’s not the money. It’s how the money is used. How do you handle money? As singles, we

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