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Tag: Single

Let Your Yes be YES!

Let’s be honest. Singles are horrible about waiting until the last minute to show faithfulness. After all, something better, more fun, cooler, even a date!– might actually come along. We wait to reply yes on Facebook in fear that if we say yes then a better offer might come along. Singles even often use the phrase “planning on it” as a way to say yes, but something could happen. When the Sunday School list to

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I Pharisee
I Pharisee

When I look in the mirror, what do I see? When I ask myself the question, “How am I doing as a Christian?” What measure do I use to answer? In Western Christian circles, the term “Pharisee” is normally used, particularly in a religious context, to describe someone as mean spirited, legalistic, and hypocritical. This is a caricature of a conservative religious group presented in the New Testament. When Pharisees are mentioned in the New

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A Biblical View of Masturbation

Recently on Table for One Ministries was asked, “Is their a Biblical view on masturbation? Is it ever, okay?” Well, that’s a question that could have a volume of responses. So we are going to do our best to respond to the main theme of this question: Does the Bible have a stance about masturbation? No. The Bible does not reference masturbation. Matthew 5:28 does talk about lusting in ones heart and often masterbation

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Politics and Dating

Do you date outside your political views? The current hostile political environment in America can affect dating relationships. We’ve heard stories of first dates asking what political party their potential mate is affiliated with. Christians in America are guilty of making a person’s political allegiances dictate their relationship interactions. For that matter, so are non-Believers. When politics is added to dating, it becomes an even more high stakes game of selecting a life partner. If

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The New Single Majority

In 2014 the Bureau of Labor and Statistics released information stating for the first time in the history of collecting their data, singles outnumbered married adults in the workforce. More than half of the workforce is single! While many news agencies ran with this data the wrong way saying that “adults” are more single than they are married, we at Table for One would like to interpret this data correctly for what it is. These

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Leaders to Singles
Singles Lose at Christmas

Where will your family celebrate Christmas this year? As the days zoom past before Christmas, families across the country start discussing where Christmas will take place. For some, this is easy. There is a set location and family gathering time regardless of any other circumstances. For others, a tug-of-war begins between single and married siblings. Singles often lose at the holidays when they have a married sibling in the family. It’s likely that Christmas is

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - True Love Doesn't Have to Wait
True Love Doesn’t Have to Wait

True love doesn’t wait. That’s right. All our lives we were taught by Disney, ABC, Hallmark, and others that someday our one “true love” will come and sweep us off our feet. Get married and have perfect children and live happily ever after. But is that what Scripture teaches us? Christian programs talk about this issue, but we are not talking about physical attraction love only. Paul encourages a life of singleness over being married

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Am I Still Single Because I Don’t Do the Bar Scene?

Take a look on TV, any show any network. In most every media outlet you are likely to see a stereotype of how singles meet: the bar. It may be a fancy place, or a hole in the wall, but most media are telling singles if they want to meet other singles they need to be in a bar or a club. At the risk of sounding like we are not “hip,”  we are not

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Single Struggles: Is Online Dating for Christians?

Online dating is a tricky subject. Everyone knows someone who has found the love of their life online, and they are happily married with kids. This creates the idea that online dating is perfect in every way. At the same time, everyone is terrified of the person who lies about everything online in order to get a date. This goes along with the idea that those searching online must be at the “bottom of the

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Leaders to Singles
Single and Considering an Abortion

The world tells us you that as a single you cannot raise a child alone. Regardless of the life in you, your life and priorities come first. After all, how will you raise a child by yourself? This lie is spread by some who are pro-choice in an attempt for a mother-to-be to feel empowered to chose what God has already allowed. Ironically, once society gets past this decision, mothers, Christian or not, can find

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