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Tag: Relationship with God
Will God Still Love Me After an Abortion?

She’s in your ministry. She’s had an abortion. She wonders, will God love her again? As believers, we are passionate about saving the unborn, but that passion fails to communicate our love for the mothers. The good news is that in the last two decades, there has been a substantial drop in abortions. The other news is people have had or still choose to have abortions, and the church needs to be ready to minister

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Left Behind
Left Behind; Coping with friends’ marriages as a single adult

As a single guy who is old enough to be pondering questions such as, ‘Am I contributing enough to my 401(k)?’ or, ‘Does my potential new job offer dental benefits, because I might need dentures soon…?’, I have been around long enough to have witnessed the marriage of many of my best friends. Coping friends’ marriages can be challenging for single individuals like myself. Heck, most of my friends are on their second or third

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I Don’t Need You Today, God; Importance of Prayer

Recognizing the importance of prayer, going a day without it is like telling God ‘I don’t need you today.’ Wow. As followers of Christ, would we ever want to even think such a thing? But we all do, we all go a day without praying sometimes. Maybe it is because you had a long day, or you are busy and cannot fit in a quiet time daily. Regardless of your situation, you need to recognize

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Distracted
Distracted: Finding Focus in a World Full of Distractions

Life is full of distractions. We’re distracted at work, at home, with media, and even our local churches. It’s not hard to wonder why it’s so hard to stay focused on the most important things in our life. How we handle distractions is a part of maturing our faith. Choosing the difference between a distraction and God’s calling is vital to following Christ. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to

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Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - What To Do When the Church Fails You, when church fails you, my church failed me
Leaders to Singles
What To Do When the Church Fails You

First and foremost, I want to say this is not a piece bashing my church or claiming that my church failed me. Did the church fail me? Were there consequences? Yes and yes. What am I doing now? But most importantly, what did God do? Is a Single Focused Conference Right For Your Church? Find Out More September 2019 marked two years since my world fell apart. It wasn’t the typical tragedy you hear about

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - A Single Budget- So What’s the Plan-
A Single Budget: So What’s the Plan?

So, you are single, carefree and are thinking a week at a beach house with your buddies sounds like a great vacation. Or maybe you are a single parent who wants to give your 7-year old and your 9-year old the magical vacation that every child dreams of…a trip to Disney World! So you just grab a soda and jump in the car and go, right? Of course not! With no plan or thought put

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single vs Married 3 Bucket List Differences
Single vs Married 3 Bucket List Differences

A bucket list is a compiled list of ideas, experiences, and achievements a person wants to do before ‘kicking the bucket’ (dying). So how do bucket list differences single vs married manifest? Here are three categories where we notice similarities and three where we see distinctions. How they list are the same: Now, here is how they differ:

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Lady Porn

Ladies, don’t think you are immune to the trap of pornography. According to, 49% of women found pornography an acceptable way of expressing sexuality. Thirteen percent of women admit to viewing pornography at work and one of every three visitors to porn websites are women. Even worse, 34% of church-going women admit to looking at pornography. This is not a conversation about whether a novel you might have read is a version of porn.

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Being Dad Through Divorce

Divorce is ugly. Talk to anyone who is going through or has survived a divorced and unanimously they will say, even in the best of circumstances, divorce is hard. When children are involved in divorce, the stakes and emotions are even higher. From the day one spouse says the words “I want a divorce”, life and the marriage relationship will never return to the place it once was with unbroken trust. Dads are by nature

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A culture that hides death hides the Gospel
Leaders to Singles
A culture that hides death hides the Gospel

History lessons teach the impact of death prevalent in culture when death is removed. A look at the Middle Ages finds people lived daily with the reality of death. A look at our current culture reveals a much different cultural view of death story. The current American lifestyle not only doesn’t discuss death, it finds ways to minimize and remove it from our daily life. An obsession with a youth-focused culture certainly is a major

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