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Tag: Pornography
Lady Porn

Ladies, don’t think you are immune to the trap of pornography. According to, 49% of women found pornography an acceptable way of expressing sexuality. Thirteen percent of women admit to viewing pornography at work and one of every three visitors to porn websites are women. Even worse, 34% of church-going women admit to looking at pornography. This is not a conversation about whether a novel you might have read is a version of porn.

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The Lie of Porn

Porn addiction is gripping, ruins marriages, is addictive, and while you are single will offer a lie that it is harmless since you are not in a relationship. Porn is not harmless. It affects women and men of all ages and according to 25% of all search requests in the US are pornography related and 34% of church going women admit to looking at pornography.  Watch this video of a testimony from Nate Larkin

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A Biblical View of Masturbation

Recently on Table for One Ministries was asked, “Is their a Biblical view on masturbation? Is it ever, okay?” Well, that’s a question that could have a volume of responses. So we are going to do our best to respond to the main theme of this question: Does the Bible have a stance about masturbation? No. The Bible does not reference masturbation. Matthew 5:28 does talk about lusting in ones heart and often masterbation

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