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Tag: Millenials

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single vs Married 3 Bucket List Differences
Single vs Married 3 Bucket List Differences

A bucket list is a compiled list of ideas, experiences, and achievements a person wants to do before ‘kicking the bucket’ (dying). So how do bucket list differences single vs married manifest? Here are three categories where we notice similarities and three where we see distinctions. How they list are the same: Now, here is how they differ:

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Be An Adult
Be An Adult So when do you become an adult? Is it when you get keys to your first car at age 16?At 18 when you can make your own legal decisions?At 21 when you can legally drink alcohol?When you move away from home?When you get your first job?When you can pay all your own bills?When you get married? Defining adulthood is nothing short of impossible. The idea that an age, ceremony, or responsibility defines adulthood gives

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - The Beta Marriage- How Millennials Approach ‘I Do’
The Beta Marriage: How Millennials Approach ‘I Do’

Repost from Time Magazine You could say I beta-tested my relationship. It’s a joke, kind of — except that when it comes to millennials and marriage, the beta test may be par for the course. And really, why wouldn’t it be? For a generation reared on technology, overwhelmed by choice, feedback and constant FOMO, isn’t testing a marriage, like we test a username, simply … well, logical? The findings of a new survey certainly reveal so. In conjunction

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