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Tag: Children

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Parent and Complete in Christ
Single Parents
Single Parent and Complete in Christ

Complete in Christ not just a lifestyle. It is a mindset that no matter what happens or what worldly influences persist, wholeness is found in the Lord. Single families need to be reminded of Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you…” Single parents need a Biblical foundation to affirm their family is not an accident. It is not less complete, or in

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Being Dad Through Divorce

Divorce is ugly. Talk to anyone who is going through or has survived a divorced and unanimously they will say, even in the best of circumstances, divorce is hard. When children are involved in divorce, the stakes and emotions are even higher. From the day one spouse says the words “I want a divorce”, life and the marriage relationship will never return to the place it once was with unbroken trust. Dads are by nature

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Silent Christmas Morning
Single Parents
Silent Christmas Morning

A single parent has to live with the reality of the first Christmas without the kids. The glow of the Christmas lights from the tree is the only warmth that fills the room. What started out years ago as a joyous holiday morning filled with traditions has disintegrated into court documents dictating where kids will spend the holidays. The fridge is empty as there is no need for a great feast and delivered pizza is

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - The Single Parent Family Defined
Single Parents
The Single Parent Family Defined

The contemporary family of today cannot be defined as a nuclear family consisting of a mother and father and children. Families come in different sizes, different ways, and many consist of one parent. Single parents are no longer defined in only one singular category. Single parents come from varied backgrounds, generations, and socioeconomic settings. Single parents can be categorized in four broad categories that define and more accurately refine the way in which they became

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Leaders to Singles
Father to the Fatherless

At Table for One, we acknowledge that the children of a single parent often experience a feeling of emptiness for a missing parent, longing for a Father to the Fatherless. This void is a direct result of God’s plan for every child to have a mother and a father to raise that child in the way he or she should go. But when God’s model family does not happen, children are left missing a parent

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Singles Struggles- Baby Envy
Singles Struggles: Baby Envy

Maternal instincts for some women are deep and for single women this causes a challenging problem. Some single women have a deep desire to be mothers, some more than others. For those ladies who have this deep desire, but have not found a spouse to share this with, this post is for you. God made you uniquely as you are and this desire is no less important as a single woman than a married woman. He

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