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Advocating for Singles

Dr. PJ Dunn is passionate about reaching and equipping single adults through discipleship. As an advocate for singles, he travels nationally, speaking, coaching, and creating content for singles and the local church. Table for One Ministries was created in 2013 to build community for single adults through discipleship. With over 15 years of local church service, PJ now serves as a Discipleship Consultant in North Georgia with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, helping churches make disciples and reach their community. He is an adjunct professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and author with Lifeway Christian Resources.

Dr. PJ Dunn, Be Complete in Christ, Table for One Ministries


Minister, President, & Founder est.2013

Credentials & Education

License & Education

License: 17 December 2006, Shandon Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina
Ordination: 21 February 2016, Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas
B.A. Organizational Leadership, Wright State University, 2005
M.A.C.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009
D.Ed.Min., Doctor of Educational Ministry, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016


Discipleship Consultant, Georgia Baptist Mission Board, March 2020 – Present

Adjunct Professor, ProDoc Program New Orleans Theological Seminary, 2021-Present

Author, Lifeway Christian Resources, 2024 – Present
Founder, Table for One Ministries, Fort Worth TX, 2012 – Present
IT, Serve, Singles Minister, Cross City Church, Euless, Texas 
Connection and Singles Minister, Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas 
Singles Minister and IT Director, Southcliff Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 
Singles Ministry Minister, Shandon Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina, 
College and Career Minister, Oak Harbor Community Church, Ohio, 
Education Intern, New Providence Baptist Church, Tennessee, 

Speaking Engagements

We are here to serve however you need

Single Focused Conference

One day Can Change Your Church


12 Sessions for You and Your Team

Master Class

4 – 2 hr Courses to Be Single Friendly

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