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Category: Singles

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - The Discipline of a Sacred Friendship
Leaders to Singles
The Discipline of a Sacred Friendship

One of the few things that Hollywood has gotten right over the past few years is tapping into the “friendship effect” among young single adults. On any given evening, you can find numerous TV programs that depict a community of young adult friends (male and female) sharing life together as a “family” in a postmodern world; these shows may have different titles, but the setup is always the same. While the lifestyle and moral choices

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A culture that hides death hides the Gospel
Leaders to Singles
A culture that hides death hides the Gospel

History lessons teach the impact of death prevalent in culture when death is removed. A look at the Middle Ages finds people lived daily with the reality of death. A look at our current culture reveals a much different cultural view of death story. The current American lifestyle not only doesn’t discuss death, it finds ways to minimize and remove it from our daily life. An obsession with a youth-focused culture certainly is a major

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Why am I single?

The question of why a person is STILL single starts with all the wrong questions and answers. Why am I all alone? – “You’re not good enough” Why have I not purchased a home yet? – “You need a house to be settled” Why is dating so hard? – “Love just happens” Why can’t I make friends? – “Everyone else is loved” Why have I never been on a date? – “Your don’t put yourself

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table-for-one-ministries-ministry-for-singles-and-leaders-to-singles-blog-mental-health-and-allowing-god-to-use-all-options mental health
Leaders to Singles
Mental Health and Allowing God to Use All Options

Your friends, family, and loved ones already know. They see it on your face every day, and hear it in your voice when you speak. The mental health struggle, once a moment, has settled into a season, and you’re not sure how to get out. You pray. You read Scripture. You believe in a God who heals all things according to His will. You seek wise counsel. You go to small group. You ask for

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - loneliness in church
Single Parents
Feeling Alone in the Pew

It’s Sunday morning and you are off to church. You arrive on time for the worship service and slip into the back. Then, there it is. The happy couple in front of you with two kids and a dog at home with a nice home and great jobs. Just what you wanted to see when you came to church today, something you don’t have. This scenario can often exacerbate feelings of loneliness in church. Instantly,

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Do I expose my old life to share with others-
Do I expose my old life to share with others?

“A single wrote into us asking ‘I really need to help another person thru their addiction… in order to provide inspiration, I have to share my past struggles… I am trying my best to let Christ rule my life, and I think I am surrendering to Him… my question to you is, do I expose my prior life as an example to the other person at a possible expense for me losing, in others eyes,

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Single for a Reason
Single for a Reason?

Through my many years of singles ministry and working with pastors, one phrase is repeated often — “single for a reason”. It is the idea that singles are composed of misfits and odd ducks that are stranger than… married people. Next time you hear this phrase, here are some possible responses: We’re all messed up Reject rejecting language Leadership matters The reason you or a group of people are “… for a reason” is not

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wise counsel
Leaders to Singles
Wise Counsel

Who do you turn to when you have issues in your life? Your phone, social media, a co-worker, or friend? Have you considered the priority order of who you go to? Perhaps the sequence of seeking wise counsel reflects your spiritual maturity. #1 Take it to God “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 Instead of finding someone

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Many Faces
Many Faces

Have you ever experienced great customer service? “Out of this world” kindness from a store or restaurant that compelled you to tell others about it on Facebook or Twitter? Now, have you ever wondered if the person that made that experience great was that same way at home as they are at work? Sometimes when people are paid to do something, they do it with excellence and exceed all our expectations. Truly serving another person

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table-for-one-ministries-ministry-for-singles-and-leaders-to-singles-blog-we-need-the-fruit-of-the-spirit fruit of the spirit
Leaders to Singles
We Need the Fruit of the Spirit

Walking to your car after an eight-hour work shift, you are exhausted. You’re almost to your car when a co-worker decides it’s time to chat about life. At first reluctant to enter the conversation, it becomes apparent this person is in need of help. They are living with two of the four children’s father and on the verge of moving out if things don’t get better. Both work every minute possible to provide for their

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