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Author: Nathan Arnold

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Work-Life Balance as a Single Adult without Children
Work/Life Balance as a Single Adult without Children

It’s 4:45 PM and another workday is coming to a close.  Or at least it appears that the workday is about to end until your boss calls you and Bill into his office. There is an important meeting with a potential customer the next morning and he needs one of you to stay late to help put together the presentation.  Bill is married with a family and quickly explains that he needs to go to

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Dating is Way Too Serious
Dating is Way Too Serious

I attended a Christian college. I lived with a roommate attending seminary. I’ve been a part of a large singles group. Basically, I’ve been in a number of Christian circles. And within each circle I’ve noticed a common thread: Dating is way too serious. Maybe you can relate? After a date or two, a couple is considered to be dating. After a month, it’s a serious relationship. Within a few months, it’s time to start

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