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Author: Male Single Missionary

TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Left Behind
Left Behind; Coping with friends’ marriages as a single adult

As a single guy who is old enough to be pondering questions such as, ‘Am I contributing enough to my 401(k)?’ or, ‘Does my potential new job offer dental benefits, because I might need dentures soon…?’, I have been around long enough to have witnessed the marriage of many of my best friends. Coping friends’ marriages can be challenging for single individuals like myself. Heck, most of my friends are on their second or third

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Struggles- Wanting to be accepted for being single
Single Struggles: Wanting to be accepted for being single

I’ve been single for 20 years of my life. Yes, I was born single. Not that I thought about it that much throughout my life. It was just something I assumed. But as I approached 17-18, people began asking that question; “Are you dating someone? But I never was. I am a single man, happy in my lifestyle, and ready to take on the world. It’s not that I dislike marriage. I think it’s a

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Come and Follow Me
Singles on Mission
Come and Follow Me

We live in a world of would-be leaders.  An American adult who ventures into a bookstore or spends time browsing on Amazon will find hundreds of titles that promise to unlock the hidden potential of our “inner leader”. Books claim to distill the essence of leadership by examining the lives of successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, and statesmen. Leaders are the ones who make headlines, who supposedly make history, and who our culture is constantly telling us

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Curmudgeons Corner Valentine's Day
Curmudgeons Corner Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine’s Day! As late winter exerts its seasonal charms (whether, in your region, that means snow turning to dirty slush, or dismal, chilling rain, or a cheery snot-fostering burst of early pollen…) our society arranged a trite holiday celebrating infatuation, and requiring (as all holidays do) an outlay of precious cash for proper observance. We’re conditioned to it early, from compulsory participation during most boys’ formative “I hate girls!” stage in elementary school; Valentine’s

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