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Author: James Brown

Single Parents
Four Things the Single Parent Needs from the Church

Single parenting! I remember those days well! When I entered into this stage in my life I had just left the military but little did I realize I was entering into an even bigger challenge. One that would demand more physical and mental stamina than my Drill Sergeants had demanded from me. My daily routine consisted of getting not only myself, but the kids, out of bed and ready for the day. I’d get them

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Christian Unity
Leaders to Singles
It’s ok if you’re wrong

Without guidance, people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance. Proverbs 11:14 What a strange place for Christian unity to be right now for an evangelical. There was a time when the world made sense, when everyone, at least everyone I knew, voted Republican. We voted that way because that was the party that stood for the things we cared about. Things like being pro-life, protecting religious liberty, and promoting conservative values. We could,

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Cautious Compassion- The Syrian Refugee Crisis
Leaders to Singles
Cautious Compassion: The Syrian Refugee Crisis

He we are again. Caught in the middle of a raging debate that has quickly divided and then devolved into name calling and demonizing our opponents. On one side you have the zealots who are calling for a complete shutting down of our borders to keep out the crazies insisting that ISIS is hiding thousands of jihadist amongst the refugees bent on our destruction. On the other side you have calls for throwing open the

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TFO - Table for One Ministries- Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - How to Give Joy to Your Children at Christmas
Single Parents
How to Give Joy to Your Children at Christmas

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 For single moms or dads, Christmas brings added anxieties. You worry about getting your children something they will like while remaining within your budget. You worry the non-custodial parent will get your child something nicer than your purchase. And then there’s the question of whom will the child spend Christmas? Will they be with you or the

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