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- Be Complete in Christ -

Marriage Conference

Restoring relationships in your community in 2025

- Equip Marriages Before Breaking -

Complete in Christ Marriages

The American dream often starts with marriage, yet 45% of all first-time marriages end in divorce. Marriage is built on a spouse, children, and money; even with good intentions, it is built on the wrong foundation. For a marriage to thrive, each person must be complete in Christ and a friend worth having to their spouse. 

3 Years to Remarry After Divorce

Singles adults who are divorced remarry just over 3 years after their last divorce, on average.,

45% First Time Marriages End in Divorce

43-45% of first marriages end in divorce, and that percentage only rises with each re-marriage.

29 Years Old

The median age of first-marriage divorcees in America. Divorced Single adults remarry on average just over three years after their last divorce. For context, the median age at first marriage is around 30.5 years for men and 28.6 years for women.

48 % Have Children

48% of divorcees had children under the age of 18.

CDC, 2019

- Marriage Isn't the Finish Line -

Be Complete in Christ.

We are seeking church partnerships nationwide in 2025 to host marriage conferences. These marriage conferences are discussions for adults of all ages and backgrounds. We focus on a one-day or half-day catalytic event that mobilizes marriages to be complete in Christ and go and make disciples. 

We were called to make disciples, which starts with the individual. Often, we are pulled in so many directions in our marriages that we miss our relationship with Christ. For marriages to thrive, they must have a foundational relationship with Jesus and be complete in Him alone. 

Gatherings Focused on Life Change.

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Dr. PJ Dunn, Be Complete in Christ, Table for One Ministries


Minister, President, & Founder est.2013

Adjunct Professor NOBTS ProDoc Program
Discipleship Consultant GBMB
Local Church Ministry 15+ Years

- Our Founder -

Dr. PJ Dunn

Dr. PJ Dunn is passionate about reaching and equipping adults through discipleship. He travels nationally, speaking, coaching, and creating content for the local church. Table for One Ministries was created in 2013 to build community through discipleship, including marriages, to address the rising rate of divorces in America. With over 15 years of local church service, PJ now serves as a Discipleship Consultant in North Georgia with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, helping churches make disciples and reach their community.

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