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Month: February 2023
Will God Still Love Me After an Abortion?

She’s in your ministry. She’s had an abortion. She wonders, will God love her again? As believers, we are passionate about saving the unborn, but that passion fails to communicate our love for the mothers. The good news is that in the last two decades, there has been a substantial drop in abortions. The other news is people have had or still choose to have abortions, and the church needs to be ready to minister

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - 3 Lessons Learned from a New Singles Minister
Leaders to Singles
Starting Out as a New Singles Minister

Starting as a new Single Adult Minister, I have learned so many wonderful things through the Lord. Still, these three are probably the most important I have learned: We live in a world that pushes fleshly desires and what society thinks is important. If you watch television or scroll through social media, you see a lot of selfishness and flesh desires. You know, a lot of sex propaganda, marriage prioritization, and finding what’s “true for

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