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Month: March 2022

Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single, but not alone...
Single, but not alone…

In Genesis 3:10, for the first time, man isolates himself and finds himself alone, However, within this solitude lies a profound Being single opportunity for introspection, spiritual growth, and personal discovery. Recognizing this Being single opportunity can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper connection with oneself and with God. God calls out to Adam in the garden and asks, “Where are you?” (The first question of the Bible). Adam’s answer is an explanation, “I

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Table for One Ministries - Ministry for Singles and Leaders to Singles - Blog - Single Adult POV Two Years into COVID
Leaders to Singles
Single Adult POV Two Years into COVID

“I tried going back to an in-person church, but as a single adult during COVID, I didn’t want to take the seat of a family who may need it.” “My job moved fully remote, I live alone, and in two years, I have only been out to social events a handful of times.” “As a single adult during COVID, I struggle with being alone. The pandemic and quarantine have made me even more alone and

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