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Month: August 2018

A culture that hides death hides the Gospel
Leaders to Singles
A culture that hides death hides the Gospel

History lessons teach the impact of death prevalent in culture when death is removed. A look at the Middle Ages finds people lived daily with the reality of death. A look at our current culture reveals a much different cultural view of death story. The current American lifestyle not only doesn’t discuss death, it finds ways to minimize and remove it from our daily life. An obsession with a youth-focused culture certainly is a major

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The Lie of Porn

Porn addiction is gripping, ruins marriages, is addictive, and while you are single will offer a lie that it is harmless since you are not in a relationship. Porn is not harmless. It affects women and men of all ages and according to 25% of all search requests in the US are pornography related and 34% of church going women admit to looking at pornography.  Watch this video of a testimony from Nate Larkin

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I Fell in Love with an Atheist

There is no way to dice it or dance around it. I loved an atheist. I loved him with every fiber of my being. Had it not ended, I might have loved him more than I love God. In total transparency, my ex still has a small piece of my heart, that tiny shoebox in the corner of a heart where first loves and tacos live. Our “relationship” was a roller coaster of poor judgment,

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